How does HyperCycle work?

By enabling AI systems to communicate and collaborate more efficiently and securely between Nodes, HyperCycle can help AI systems to learn and grow quicker. It makes businesses in need of AI computing more efficient and profitable, retributing all network participants in the process.

What is a HyperCycle Node?

In essence, HyperCycle Nodes are the working units of the HyperCycle Network. Each HyperCycle Node is a software enabling the smallest AI modules to interact and transact with any other modules efficiently and securely due to its cryptographic proofs and true p2p design.

What do you need
to run Nodes?

Hypercycle coins
Find better and smarter Algorithms
The native HyPC is what gives each HyperCycle Node its own unique signature, and acts as a cryptographic proof of the presence of payment within each request for computation on the HyperCycle network. Each Node requires 1024 HyPC in order to be activated. Depending on the size of the Node License Bundle you’ve acquired, make sure you own 1024 per Node instance.
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Hypercycle box
Reduced AI Computing Costs
Hardware machines provide computing resources needed to accumplish tasks requested by all network consumers. HyperCycle incentivises network operators to optimise their hardware depending on the AI algorithms they run on their Nodes. For B2B entreprise grade clients, please fill out our contact form. For retail users, you can check or plug and play solutions on HyperAppliance.
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Hypercycle node license
Faster input and output responses
Node Licenses offer lifetime access to the HyperCycle Network. Choose your bundle size to tailor your Node with diverse AI software for your Node's AI Machines. You can own multiple licenses of any size. The number of Nodes in your bundle determines the HyPC required for activation, while your AI software specifics dictate the necessary hardware characteristics
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Hypercycle coins
Find better and smarter Algorithms
The native HyPC is what gives each HyperCycle Node its own unique signature, and acts as a cryptographic proof of the presence of payment within each request for computation on the HyperCycle network. Each Node requires 1024 HyPC in order to be activated. Depending on the size of the Node License Bundle you’ve acquired, make sure you own 1024 per Node instance.
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Hypercycle box
Reduced AI Computing Costs
Hardware machines provide computing resources needed to accumplish tasks requested by all network consumers. HyperCycle incentivises network operators to optimise their hardware depending on the AI algorithms they run on their Nodes. For B2B entreprise grade clients, please fill out our contact form. For retail users, you can check or plug and play solutions on HyperAppliance.
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Hypercycle node license
Faster input and output responses
Node Licenses offer lifetime access to the HyperCycle Network. Choose your bundle size to tailor your Node with diverse AI software for your Node's AI Machines. You can own multiple licenses of any size. The number of Nodes in your bundle determines the HyPC required for activation, while your AI software specifics dictate the necessary hardware characteristics
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What are the licence
types I can purchase

Masternode licence
MasterNode Licence
512 Nodes
Composed of 512 single Node instances, a full MasterNode allows its owner to scale his/her activity to almost unlimited extent thanks to the Split Mechanism that will create up to 524,288 single split Nodes after 10 splits. All capable to accumplish AI tasks on the Network.
Since a MasterNode is composed of 512 single Nodes, it needs to be paired with 512*1024= 524,288 HyPC, and also combined with adequate Hardware machines like High Performance Computing (HPC). Thankfully, allows any masterNode license owner to borrow HyPC and/or Hardware to their owners in order to run on the Network
Submasternode licence
SubMasterNode Licence
1 - 511 Nodes
SubMasterNode license bundles are more user-friendly as they allow anyone to engage on our Network depending on their own resources. Just like MasterNodes, SubMasterNode adhere to the same rules regarding Splits, amount of HyPC needed to activate them, and Hardware combination.
Due to their lower size, subMasterNode will not give as many as split Nodes as a MasterNode will. Your ability to scale from your initial subMasterNode is dependant on its initial size. But you certainly can purchase multiple SubMasterNodes  at any given time
Masternode licence
MasterNode Licence
512 Nodes
Composed of 512 single Node instances, a full MasterNode allows its owner to scale his/her activity to almost unlimited extent thanks to the Split Mechanism that will create up to 524,288 single split Nodes after 10 splits. All capable to accumplish AI tasks on the Network.
Since a MasterNode is composed of 512 single Nodes, it needs to be paired with 512*1024= 524,288 HyPC, and also combined with adequate Hardware machines like High Performance Computing (HPC). Thankfully, allows any masterNode license owner to borrow HyPC and/or Hardware to their owners in order to run on the Network
Submasternode licence
SubMasterNode Licence
1 - 511 Nodes
SubMasterNode license bundles are more user-friendly as they allow anyone to engage on our Network depending on their own resources. Just like MasterNodes, SubMasterNode adhere to the same rules regarding Splits, amount of HyPC needed to activate them, and Hardware combination.
Due to their lower size, subMasterNode will not give as many as split Nodes as a MasterNode will. Your ability to scale from your initial subMasterNode is dependant on its initial size. But you certainly can purchase multiple SubMasterNodes  at any given time
Purchase Node Licence

How do I activate Licences?

HyperPG - Dapp System
Activating SubMasterNode licenses is under development. It will be soon implemented on our Dapp and made accessible to all our faithful participants.

Latest developments are constantly updated on our Roadmap
See Roadmap

What are the benefits
of getting started now

Build your Uptime
On HyperCycle, time is of the utmost importance, mathematically. Since time can never be regained, initiating your Node on the network as soon as possible strengthens your Uptime. A better Uptime increases your chances of receiving more tasks and improves your overall Node Score, enabling you to split it and scale your activity on the network.
Be part of the first Compute beta testers
HyperCycle will soon enter its Compute Era and current Node operators will be the first who will get the chance to Compute requests coming from real clients in need of AI output. As part of the beta testers, you'll be at the forefront of the Decentralised AI Revolution, while increasing your Computation Ratio, which plays a part in your overall Node Score.
Expand your Network reach with Node Split
As part of the first builders of the network, participants who engage on HyperCycle now will be the first ones to split their Nodes, as their will have reached the score in advance. Once split, Nodes can expand their activity on the network and accumplish more tasks for the clients, which leads to more compensation for the Node operator.
Build your Uptime
On HyperCycle, time is of the utmost importance, mathematically. Since time can never be regained, initiating your Node on the network as soon as possible strengthens your Uptime. A better Uptime increases your chances of receiving more tasks and improves your overall Node Score, enabling you to split it and scale your activity on the network.
Be part of the first Compute beta testers
HyperCycle will soon enter its Compute Era and current Node operators will be the first who will get the chance to Compute requests coming from real clients in need of AI output. As part of the beta testers, you'll be at the forefront of the Decentralised AI Revolution, while increasing your Computation Ratio, which plays a part in your overall Node Score.
Expand your Network reach with Node Split
As part of the first builders of the network, participants who engage on HyperCycle now will be the first ones to split their Nodes, as their will have reached the score in advance. Once split, Nodes can expand their activity on the network and accumplish more tasks for the clients, which leads to more compensation for the Node operator.

What is coming to
HyperCycle in the future?

Uptime Tilling on MasterNodes
First milestone in HyperCycle's technical development, all MasterNodes are currently building their Uptime on our Network in late September, 2023.
Splitting of MasterNodes into
subMasterNode bundles
A long awaited feature for all our communities, which will allow them to pair their own licenses with their own HyPC. This feature also allows people to distribute subMasterNode bundles to clients in need.
HyperShare ERC 11155
The automated smart-contract managing the distribution of all ressources generated on the network to its operators. It also certifies the accrued value of each Nodes on the Network depending on their attributes
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